
The photo exhibition of intergenerational solidarity officially opened

One more creative workshop with youth and elderly was held

Novi poziv za kreativnu radionicu za mlade i starije

Two workshops were held „The bridge intergenerational solidarity“and „How am I today in compare to yesterday?”

Održane radionice: “Most međugeneracijske komunikacije” i “Kako sam danas u odnosu na juče?”

Strengthening the resilience of the elderly and people with disabilities during COVID-19 and future disasters

The project “Prevention of risky forms of behavior among young people through their joint participation in educational and sports activities” has been completed.

The final conference of the project “Empowering intergenerational connections”

Center for support and inclusion Help net organized four debates within the project “Empowering intergenerational connections”

Workshop ‘How to make a short film with smartphone’

Conference held regarding the result of the project ‘Development of Intergenerational dialogue’