Center for Support and Inclusion Help Net
Through the entire program, initiate new and support existing processes of improving the care of children, youth and the elderly, investing efforts in the sphere of social protection and population policy in the Republic of Serbia, through the prism of social and technological innovations.
Dealing with social challenges, we want to involve the local community and the professional public at the highest level through our work, through the engagement of all sectors, promoting the values of social cohesion.
Help Net is a non-profit association of citizens that was founded in 2015 with the aim of improving the living conditions of children, young people and the elderly in the Republic of Serbia. Our mission is to help create equal opportunities for all citizens and to contribute to the development of the community in which we live. Dealing with various social challenges that appear in Serbia, we want to involve a wide range of the local community and professional public in solving these problems through our work. We believe that it is important to engage all sectors of society, in order to achieve the greatest possible cohesion and connection among citizens and to improve the quality of life in the Republic of Serbia.
The Help Net team consists of a blend of people with different profiles, experience and expertise, but with common values. This can best be concluded from a brief description of the members of the growing Help Net team. Our common goal is clear – to create equal opportunities for all citizens of the Republic of Serbia through our projects and work and to contribute to the development of the society in which we live. As our team grows, so does the organization itself grow and develop, and through joint successes and the work of its members, it has become recognizable in the country and abroad for projects that deliver success.
The Help Net Support and Inclusion Center focuses on improving the quality of life in the Republic of Serbia and promoting social cohesion, through maintaining existing and initiating new processes of improving the care of young people, the elderly and children, fighting against various social challenges. Through cooperation with governmental and non-governmental organizations, institutions at the local and state level, as well as international organizations, led by the center’s experienced team, Help Net sets ambitious, but at the same time, realistic goals. Cooperation, involvement of the local community and professional public and work on the center’s goals are just some of the key focuses of our work.
Help Net considers children as young fellow citizens and a social resource, offers them the opportunity to have fun and learn, and advocates that they be provided with the rights that belong to them according to laws and international conventions. We inform young people, ask their opinion, involve them in topics of importance and learn from them, encouraging their full potential.
Guided by the belief that everyone has the right to a dignified life even when they enter the third age, we established a program for seniors in order to focus on their needs through special projects and activities. As a licensed social care service provider, we wanted our network to help, support and facilitate the daily life of our users, with a full understanding of their needs and habits.
Within this program, we deal with issues of reproductive health, family planning, social inclusion, internally displaced persons, domestic violence, balancing work and parenthood, gender equality, work with women and their empowerment, etc. Our goal is to bring together experts from different fields and help solve horizontal or cross-cutting topics, which are often unpopular and require extensive and lengthy consultative processes.
Our organization deals with social innovations as a program and principle of work, which aim to solve problems that have existed for a long time, using new and innovative approaches. We are also dedicated to research and analysis of the impact of technological innovations and changes on society, in order to prevent abuses and ensure the maintenance of social and economic balance.
A photo exhibition promoting the idea of intergenerational solidarity was officially opened on Thursday, May 25th, 2023 in Knez Mihailova street, at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.At the ceremonial opening of the exhibition, the visitors were greeted with…
The third workshop within the project "Strengthening the resilience of the elderly and people with disabilities during COVID-19 and future disasters" was held on Thursday April 6th 2023. During the workshop, members of different generations - youth and elderly had…
Pozivamo zainteresovane građane/ke različitih starosnih dobi – i mlade i starije da učestvuju na kreativnim radionicama. Imaćete priliku da ispričate svoje priče, povežete se sa drugim učesnicima naučite tehnike kroz vežbe meditacije za prevažilaženje stresa i nakupljanje pozitivne energije. 🎈🎈🎈…
Center for support and inclusion Help net in cooperation with Red Cross Serbia conducts the project “Strengthening resilience of elderly and people with disabilities during COVID-19 and future disasters”, with financial support of European union. Within the project there were…
Centar za podršku i inkluziju Help net, u saradnji sa Crvenim krstom Srbije, finansiranu od strane Evropske unije sprovodi projekat pod nazivom „Jačanje otpornosti starijih osoba i osoba sa invaliditetom tokom KOVID-19 i budućih katastrofa“. U sklopu projekta održane su…
Center for Support and Inclusion Help net signed the Project Implementation Agreement on November 1, 2022 "Strengthening the resilience of the elderly and people with disabilities during COVID-19 and future disasters" with the Serbian Red Cross, funded by the European…
Normative adolescent crisis is a disease of adolescence such as pearl shell disease (Donald Winnicott) The project "Prevention of risky forms of behavior of young people through their joint participation in educational and sports activities" was implemented by Help net…
On Thursday, 22. September 22, in the ceremonial hall of the Red Cross, Simina no. 19, Belgrade held the final conference of the project "Strengthening intergenerational ties".. On that occasion, the results of the project were presented and the short…
On June 30, 2022. A conference was held in Belgrade in the City Assembly on the occasion of the completion of the project "Training, work practice and the possibility of employment in the field of home care for the elderly".…
At the end of April (April 27-28), debates were held within the project "Strengthening intergenerational ties".. The participants in the debates were representatives of different generations - young, elderly and middle generation - the oldest participant was 72 years old,…
On Tuesday the 25th May 2021. 2021, in the rooms the Serbian Red Cross in Belgrade, a conference was held in the scope of the project Strengthening of intergenerational solidarity’ conducted by the Center for Support and Inclusion Help net…
The center for support and inclusion Help net in cooperation with the Serbian Red Cross, with the support of the Višegrad fond is conducting a project »Strengtening intergenerational solidarity«which has the goal of promoting cooperation, understanding and cohabitation of generations.…
On Thursday the 10th of October 2019 a conference was held in the ceremonial hall the Serbian Red Cross egarding the presentation of the results of the project "Development of Intergenerational dialogue" It was conducted by the Center of Support…