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Delikatesni ponedeljak

Delicatessen Monday

The project aimed to make connection between minority women with women from Serbia in order to save cultural and historical heritage.

Implementation period: September 2019 – February 2020

Financial support: Ministry of public administration and local self-government

Romska kulturno istorijska baština Roma

The research “Roma cultural – historical heritage”

The project ’Roma cultural – historical heritage’ has a goal to connect the knowledge of the young to the descendance, history and culture of Roma in Serbia.

Implementation period: June – December 2020

Financial support: Ministry of public administration and local self – government

usklađivanje rada i roditeljstva

Balancing work and parenthood

Realization of the research and results analyze on attitudes of employees and employers when it comes to balancing work and parenthood

Implementation period: October 2018 – January 2019

Financial support: Cabinet of the Minister without portfolio in charge of demography and population policy

Zaštita starijih od nasilja

How to safeguard the elderly from violence in Belgrade

Results of survey on characteristics and frequency of violence against elderly in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.

Implementation period: October 2018 – March 2019

Financial support: Town of Belgrade

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